Mauritius Beach - Flic En Flac


Water sports enthusiasts will find this beach ideal for diving, kayaking and snorkelling

Flic en Flac beach has white sand and shallow reef protected calm water surrounded by Casuarina (known as Filao) trees.  If you want a beach paradise for your holiday destination, Flic en Flac  beach is likely to be your dream destination!

Lying on the west coast of Mauritius, Flic en Flac beach is one of the best beaches on the Island. The surrounding area is well developed with many amenities for visitors to enjoy including shops, hotels, restaurants, guest houses, casino, health centres, banks and bars.
One thing you shouldn’t miss on the Flic en Flac beach is the opportunity to explore the on-shore corals, shells, and sea urchins.

Swimming in the wonderful turquoise blue lagoon off the beach is a relaxing way to spend your day, but remember to wear swimming shoes as there are a few corals and sea urchins in the water.

Water sports enthusiasts will find this beach ideal for diving, kayaking and snorkelling, but Flic en Flac is not appropriate for activities such as windsurfing, surfing and kite surfing. This is because the wind is generally mild and high waves non-existent.